Open Access Publishing Options
Our commitment to open science spans our entire publication portfolio. We publish a suite of Diamond and Gold Open Access journals, and our Author Select option enables authors to make their paper open access in all our other titles.
Publishing in Gold Open Access Journals
AIP Publishing’s growing list of peer-reviewed Gold Open Access journals includes:
- AIP Advances
- APL Bioengineering
- APL Electronic Devices
- APL Energy
- APL Machine Learning
- APL Materials
- APL Photonics
- APL Quantum
- JASA Express Letters (in partnership with the Acoustical Society of America)
- Structural Dynamics (in partnership with ACA: The Structural Science Society)
AIP Publishing authors who wish to allow open access to their work in our subscription-based journals can choose Author Select and decide on one of three options of Creative Commons licenses listed below.
Diamond Open Access Journals
AIP Publishing’s growing list of peer-reviewed Diamond Open Access journals includes:
- Matter and Radiation at Extremes (sponsored by China Academy of Engineering Physics)
- Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering (sponsored by Tianjin University)
- International Journal of Fluid Engineering (sponsored by Hefei General Machinery Research Institute and Zhejiang Sci-Tech University)
Diamond open access journals articles are freely accessible, without restriction, to the global public. Although the papers are open access, authors are not responsible for any publication charges.
Creative Commons License Options
Authors publishing in an open access journal — or a subscription journal through Author Select — may choose from three Creative Commons licenses. Under these licenses, authors or their employers retain copyright to the article and allow others to use their materials under the license terms selected. Note that AIP Publishing remains the publisher for the Version of Record of the original article.
Open Access Publishing Licenses
CC BY: The least restrictive of the Creative Commons licenses. This license allows individuals to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, as long as the user gives credit to the person(s) who created the material. This license allows for commercial use without requesting approval from the creator.
CC BY-NC: This license allows individuals to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, as long as the user gives credit to the person(s) who created the material.
CC BY-NC-ND: This license allows individuals to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format solely in un-adapted form for noncommercial purposes, as long as the user gives credit to the person(s) who created the material.
We encourage you to research the different licensing options to ensure your selection will meet funder requirements. For more details and specifications on the various license types, visit:
If you cannot decide which license is right for you, Creative Commons can help! Visit
Questions? Email for more information or assistance.
Publication Charges and Gold Open Access Fees
The publication fee for Open Access articles in AIP Advances is $1800 USD. The publication fee for Open Access articles in all other Gold Open Access AIP Publishing titles is $2750 USD.
For Publishing partner journals: Article processing charge for JASA Express Letters and information on discounts for members of the Acoustical Society of America can be found here. Article processing charges for Structural Dynamics and discounts for members of ACA: The Structural Science Society can be found here.
Publishing Open Access in our Subscription Journals through Author Select
By electing to participate in Author Select, authors may choose to make their article Open Access. Author Select is available on all AIP Publishing subscription journals. The $3800 USD fee for Author Select articles supports publication and archiving costs.
For Publishing partner journals: All of the AIP Publishing partner journals offer an Author Select option, but the APCs vary by society. Please visit individual Publishing Partner pages or journal pages for more information.
Waiver and Discount Policy
AIP Publishing is committed to ensuring that authors can publish in Open Access journals regardless of their economic status. Authors who are based in low-income and lower-middle-income countries as classified by Research4Life and the World Bank are eligible to receive either a full waiver or a discount on the APC price. Waivers and discounts are automatically applied when the corresponding author is from one of the countries listed below.
Waiver – Group A – Countries on the following list will not be charged an APC to publish in AIPP’s Gold Open Access titles:
Afghanistan | Grenada | Rwanda |
Angola | Guinea | Saint Helena |
Bangladesh | Guinea-Bissau | Saint Lucia |
Belize | Guyana | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Benin | Haiti | Samoa |
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Cameroon | Lesotho | Somalia |
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Chad | Malawi | Suriname |
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Congo | Mali | Tajikistan |
Cook Islands | Marshall Islands | Timor-Leste |
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Democratic Republic of the Congo | (Federated States of) Mozambique | Tonga |
Djibouti | Myanmar | Tuvalu |
Dominica | Nauru | Uganda |
Equatorial Guinea | Nepal | Ukraine |
Eritrea | Nicaragua | United Republic of Tanzania |
Eswatini | Niger | Vanuatu |
Ethiopia | Niue | Yemen |
Gambia | Papau New Guinea | Zambia |
Ghana | Republic of Moldova | Zimbabwe |
Discount – Group B – Countries on the following list will be charged a reduced publication fee: 1500 USD for APL Machine Learning, APL Energy, APL Materials, Structural Dynamics, APL Photonics, APL Electronic Devices, APL Quantum and APL Bioengineering and 800 USD for AIP Advances.
Algeria | Antigua and Barbuda | Armenia |
Azerbaijan | Belarus | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Botswana | Colombia |
Cuba | Ecuador | Egypt |
El Salvador | Fiji | Gabon |
Georgia | Guatemala | Guyana |
Honduras | India | Indonesia |
Iran | Iraq | Jamaica |
Jordon | Kosovo* | Lebanon |
Libya | Mauritius | Mongolia |
Montenegro | Morocco | Namibia |
Nigeria | Pakistan | Palau |
Paraguay | Peru | Phillippines |
Republic of North Macedonia | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Servia |
Seychelles | Sri Lanka | Tanzania |
Tunisia | Uzbekistan | Venezuela (Bolivian Republic of) |
Vietnam | West Bank and Gaza Strip |
*in accordance with Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)
Article Processing Charge (APC) Refund Policy
AIP Publishing will only refund a previously paid article processing charge (APC) if alternative funding is provided for the open access article. The alternative funding must be received by AIP Publishing prior to issuing a refund. Refunds must be requested within 12 months of the publication date. For more information on how to request a refund for an open access APC please contact us at
Read & Publish Agreements
To learn more about Read & Publish Agreements, and find out if your institution is participating, click here.
Making Articles Publicly Accessible After Publication
Green Open Access
AIP Publishing also supports green Open Access, which allows you to self-archive a version of your article in an institutional or subject repository, such as arXiv, immediately upon acceptance.
CHORUS Initiative
AIP Publishing, through participation in the CHORUS initiative, makes publicly available the Accepted Manuscript version of an article in response to government or funder requirements. Accepted Manuscripts are licensed under AIP Publishing’s License to Publish Agreement, unless otherwise mandated and indicated in the article.
Scholarly Collaboration Networks (SCNs)
Scholarly collaboration networks (SCNs) are rapidly growing as an avenue to share scholarly information. We understand that researchers are constantly looking for ways to make meaningful professional connections with the ability share their research and data. AIP Publishing supports the voluntary principles for article sharing on these websites and allows accepted versions of the manuscript to be posted and distributed immediately.