Preparing for Submission

How to write a research manuscript
Well organized and clearly-written manuscripts are key to the communication of scientific ideas. Here are some tips and tricks to help you communicate your work effectively using a common manuscript structure.
How to write a review manuscript
A practical guide to writing reviews that will help you convey your ideas to a wide audience. Good organization and effective communication are critical components of success.
The roles and responsibilities of an author
Acknowledgements, ethics and data accessibility are some of the areas that authors are responsible for. This guide will help you understand what to look out for as you navigate the submission and publication process.

Publishing your research in English
For many authors, writing a scientific manuscript in English can be difficult. We take a look at the top challenges of publishing your research in English, and highlight where experts can help.

Tips for improving your academic writing skills
Communicating your research clearly is the key to making sure your findings are not lost or misinterpreted. We share some ideas on how to improve your academic writing, and when to ask for help.

Hints and tips for early career researchers
The pressure to publish can be overwhelming, especially when you are early in your career. We offer some advice on how to meet those challenges without becoming overwhelmed.
Where should I submit my paper?
What factors should you consider when selecting a journal? Here are 10 questions you should ask yourself.