Subscribe to Open FAQs
AIP Publishing is excited to continue our Subscribe to Open (S2O) program in 2025 with Journal of Applied Physics and Physics of Plasmas.
Thanks to our renewing subscribers, all 2024 content for Journal of Applied Physics and Physics of Plasmas were published open access (OA). This means that all 2024 content in these highly impactful journals are now free to read by all regardless of subscription status — at no charge to authors. The S2O program helps publications and publishers sustainably manage the transition to OA, and we are thrilled to have the support of our community.
What is Subscribe to Open?

Developed by Annual Reviews and first introduced in 2017, S2O is a model that makes use of existing subscriptions and relationships. It promotes equity and accessibility, boosts usage, and encourages author participation — all without any disruptions to service, extra costs, or additional burden to the broader research community.
How does S2O work?
Under the S2O model, subscribers are offered continued access to their publication through the normal renewal process. If enough choose to renew, the publication is flipped over to OA for that year. It’s that simple.
When a publication is converted to OA under S2O, all content for that year is made openly available under a Creative Commons license of the author’s choosing at no cost to that author. The following year, subscribers are once again given the chance to renew via the normal subscription process. If enough choose to renew, the publication stays OA for another year. If not, then the publication becomes gated once again — but the OA content from the year prior will remain OA in perpetuity.
We are thrilled to have published all 2024 content in Journal of Applied Physics and Physics of Plasmas completely open access.

Why should I support S2O?
For institutions, S2O reaffirms a commitment to open science in a cost-neutral way while elevating the impact of their researchers. For authors, S2O promotes increased visibility and reach without the fees normally associated with OA publishing. True to our mission of “Science by all, for all,” it’s a model that maximizes equitability by making content free to read and free to publish for everybody.
Will the journals remain OA forever?
S2O resets annually, as it is tied to subscription renewals. If the renewal threshold in a given year is not met, the journal reverts to a conventional subscription model — but, importantly, the articles from S2O-covered periods will remain open.
Have other publishers adopted S2O?
Uptake has been growing in recent years — and we believe it will continue to do so — but AIP Publishing is the largest STM-only publisher to date to test S2O.
Is the subscription process any different under S2O?
Not at all. The subscription process remains the same under S2O. Institutions can work directly with their AIPP Sales manager, agent, or other AIPP representative as part of their normal renewal process.
Will S2O increase any of the costs associated with the journal?
The 2025 list prices have been announced and there were no increases associated with S2O. It’s important to note the S2O pilot is not intended as a rationale or justification for a price increase.
Will there be any changes to the current license agreement/terms and conditions?
No changes are planned to the current license agreements/terms and conditions.
Are POP and JAP still going to be part of the AIP Complete subscription package in 2025?
POP and JAP will remain part of the AIP Complete subscription package in 2025 and going forward.
Does AIPP retain copyright?
AIP Publishing does not retain copyright to the journal articles we publish—rather, we have a publishing license with the authors. This predates the S2O pilot, and you can read more about the arrangement here. When S2O journals are made open, a CC-BY open access license will be applied to all articles in the journal for that year.