Reproducibility Challenges & Solutions
A Special Topic Collection will be published that addresses increasingly recognized challenges to reproducibility and replication of data that are impacting most areas of modern science including those of importance to the AVS. Because of the wide use of XPS, a series of XPS guides and protocols are being developed for this collection. Submissions are also encouraged in areas included in the Focus Topic for AVS 66, New Challenges to Reproducible Data and Analysis: (i) Causes of non-reproducibility and examples of their impacts on thin films, biomaterials, energy systems and measurement and analysis methods of importance to the AVS community; (ii) Understanding the nature, challenges and opportunities associated with large data sets or multiple-streams of data coming from an increasing number of sources and sensors/ detectors that may or may not be calibrated or standardized, data curation and archiving; (iii) ways that reproducibility challenges can be addressed. Examples of research approaches, establishing expectations, protocols, workflows, method validation, checklists and other efforts to address reproducibility issues are encouraged. To learn what guides and protocols are under development or to participate in their development, contact Don Baer.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
- Reproducibility
- Thin films
- Biomaterials
- Energy systems
- Measurement and analysis
- Method validation
- Research protocols
- Energy systems
Guest Editors
Don Baer – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Gary McGuire – International Technology Center
Guest Associate Editors
Mark Engelhard – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Alex Shard – National Physical Laboratory
Kateryna Artyushkova – Physical Electronics Inc.
Chris Easton – CSIRO