Before You Begin
We support our authors throughout the publication process – from pre-submission language editing through to post-publication promotion of your work. These tools and tips can help you through the submission stage.

Preparing Your Manuscript
AIP Style Manual 4th Edition (1990)
The AIP Style Manual is a helpful resource (a new edition will be coming soon!). Also, don’t forget to check the guidelines for the journal that you are submitting to. You’ll find detailed author instructions under the “FOR AUTHORS” link on the journal homepages on

Language Editing Services
English language editing by subject matter experts can help editors and peer reviewers better understand your work.

Creating Figures
Images and figures are a key way to share your research results. AIP Author Services can help with creating figures and illustrations, or reformatting them for publication.

Find the Right Journal
Find the AIP Publishing title that’s right for you. Learn more about the scope of our journals and our open access options before you submit.