Mesoscale Fluid Dynamics
The goal of this special issue is to address simulation, modeling and experimental approaches related to the study of complex systems where hydrodynamics and/or thermal fluctuations play a significant role. Examples include colloidal suspensions, active matter, interfacial phenomena, kinetics of reaction-diffusion, and response of suspensions to external fields (electric, magnetic). In such systems, hydrodynamic interactions can dramatically affect dynamical phenomena at many scales; setting a challenge to resolve how microscopic interactions lead to phenomena at the mesoscale.
The issue is dedicated in memory of Aleksandar Donev, whose remarkable work, especially on Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Simulations, was fundamental in this field.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Computations and theory on the mesoscale (nm to um)
- Immersed boundaries
- Lubrication of soft and fluctuating interfaces
- Suspensions in fluids, in and out of equilibrium
Guest Editors
Blaise Delmotte, École Polytechnique
Miranda Holmes-Cerfon, University of British Columbia
Sophie Marbach, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Brennan Sprinkle, Colorado School of Mines