Challenges and Opportunities with All-Sector Electrification

Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Infrastructure for transportation electrification
- Interactions between transportation electrification and power systems
- Advanced digital twin technology for transportation electrification
- Smart control for transportation electrification
- Advanced power system operation with electrified transportation
- Advanced power system risk assessment with electrified transportation
- Limiting factors in building electrification
- Impact of building electrification on power system infrastructure
- Interplay between electrification of buildings and transportation
- Control and optimization for building electrification
- Role of energy storage technologies
- Case studies of single- or cross-sector electrification
- User behavior of electrification (e.g. adoption of heat pump or electric vehicles)
- Supplier decision of electrification (e.g. power company’s response to vehicle-to-grid)
- Policies or market mechanisms needed or affecting sectoral electrification
- Other topics related to sectoral electrification
Guest Editors
李兴旺 Xingwang Li, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Electric Power Equipment Reliability, Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd., China
王璟 Jing Wang, Building Technologies and Science Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA
雪映 Ying Xue, School of Electric Power Engineering, South China University of Technology, China
Submission Instructions
If you are interested in contributing to this collection, please prepare your manuscript as per the information Author Instructions, shown here. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy also provides channels that allow you to create links to share the datasets which underlie your figures and tables, as described here. You can then submit your manuscript files through the journal’s submission portal. For additional questions, please email the team at