Papers from the 4th International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science
Data science, including machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), applied to plasma research has gained much interest recently, due to the remarkable advances in this field. Emerging data-driven methods and new learning techniques lead to scientific discoveries, augmented instrumentation, accelerated model development and simulations, as well as new control methods in a large spectrum of plasma research. The scope of the ICDDPS, which was launched in 2018, covers a wide range of science and technologies related to data including, but not limited to, databases, real-time control, ML, and AI applied to plasma research.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- data generation and databases
- physics-inferred ML and AI
- ML-based surrogate models
- real-time control of plasma experiments
- ML augmented diagnostics of plasmas and surfaces
- physics informed neural network (PINN)
Guest Editors
Sadruddin Benkadda (Aix Marseille University)
Satoshi Hamaguchi (Osaka University)
Submission Instructions
Manuscripts considered for publication in Physics of Plasmas are expected to meet the journal’s standard of acceptance: to report on original and timely results that significantly advance understanding in observational, computational, and theoretical plasma physics. Manuscripts submitted for consideration in this Special Topic must meet the same criteria and will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Editorial Team of the Physics of Plasmas will issue final decisions on the submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts will publish in an issue after acceptance and collected together with a Preface prepared by the Guest Editors to highlight this important and timely area. Please view the journal’s editorial policies for more information.
Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s online submission system (PXP). Please select the Special Topic “Papers from the 4th International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science” to submit your manuscript for consideration in this Special Topic.
Submissions to this Special Topic are for conference participants only. Please select “Yes-INVITED” during the submission process only if you are submitting an invited paper from the conference.