Magnetized Plasmas in HEDP
Magnetic fields change fundamental properties of high energy density plasmas by altering transport of energy, plasma compressibility and the development of hydrodynamic and kinetic instabilities. Magnetic fields could facilitate achieving ignition in radiation driven inertial confinement fusion or could be used directly to drive magnetized liner fusion. Addition of strong magnetic field to high energy density plasmas is also critical for modelling of astrophysical phenomena in laboratory experiments. The goal of this Special issue is to provide a collection of state-of-the-art papers on these topics. We invite submission of experimental, computational, and theoretical work, in the form of either research or review papers.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- High energy density plasma
- Magnetic field
- Hydrodynamic and kinetic instability
- Radiation driven inertial confinement fusion
- Magnetized liner fusion
- Laboratory astrophysics
Guest Editors
Mario Manuel, General Atomics, United States
Sergey Lebedev, Imperial College London, England
Shinsuke Fujioka, Osaka University, Japan
Open Access Statement
Matter and Radiation at Extremes (MRE) is an open access journal. Articles published in MRE are freely accessible, without restriction, to the global public. Although MRE is an open access journal, authors are not responsible for any publication charges. The open access publication fee is funded by the Science and Technology Information Center, China Academy of Engineering Physics. Authors who publish in MRE retain the copyright to their work under a Creative Commons license. Under this license, users are free to share and adapt the material in any format, provided appropriate credit is given. Visit the AIP Publishing Open Access Policy for more information about our policies on open access.