Up- and Down-Conversion in Molecules and Materials
The conversion of excited-state energy in molecules and materials, for example by quantum cutting, singlet fission or upconversion, allows for optical functionality well beyond that of conventional semiconductors. In this special issue we focus on such processes in organic, inorganic and hybrid systems, in which processes including singlet fission, triplet-triplet fusion, and quantum cutting represent highly efficient means for energy conversion. We encourage contributions from theory and experiment with particular focus on new materials, for example rare-earth doped perovskite materials; materials for energy harvesting and injection, such as inorganic-organic hybrids; and emerging building blocks for upconversion and singlet fission. We also encourage contributions that report characterization of energy conversion schemes, for example analysis of triplet exciton diffusion by spectroscopy and imaging, and contributions that report new applications of non-linear optical processes, such as near-infrared optogenetics by upconversion, infrared sensitization for imaging, solar cell integration, and photocatalysis.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Upconversion
- Downconversion
- Singlet fission
- Quantum cutting
- Triplet excitons
- Triplet-triplet fusion
- Energy conversion
Guest Editors
Nobuhiro Yanai, Kyushu University
Lea Nienhaus, Florida State University
Bruno Ehrler, AMOLF
JCP Deputy Editor
Emily Weiss, Northwestern University