Topological Materials and Devices
As the field of topological physics continues to evolve, the range of materials and devices manifesting that physics continues to expand, and commercial technological application appears to be on the horizon. Extending from the fundamental to the applied, this Special Topic aims to highlight the cumulative understanding as well as recent advances in the field, including new topological materials, new physical phenomena and behavior arising from their topological nature, the growth and properties of topological materials, and devices created using these materials and their characteristics.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Quantum (anomalous/spin) Hall insulators
- Chern and Axion Insulators (Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic)
- Topological insulators
- Higher Order Topological Insulators (HOTI)
- Topological semimetals
- Topological frustrated magnets
- Topological superconductors/heterostructures
- Beyond electronic topology: topological bosonic systems and meta-materials
- Topological quantum matter with cold atoms
- Electronic and Spintronic Devices
- Photonic and optoelectronic devices
- Topological qubits for quantum computation
- Devices based on Topological Metamaterials
Guest Editors
Prof. Yulin Chen, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Mazhar Ali, Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany; Material Mind Inc., USA
Submission and acceptance criteria:
Manuscripts considered for publication as Articles in Journal of Applied Physics are expected to meet the journal’s standard of acceptance, i.e. to report on original and timely results that significantly advance understanding in the current status of contemporary applied physics: material that is exclusively review in nature is not considered for publication. Manuscripts submitted for consideration in this Special Topic must meet the same criteria and will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Editorial Team of Journal of Applied Physics will issue final decisions on the submitted manuscripts.
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