Physics of Electric Propulsion
This Special Topic highlights investigations that the community is undertaking into the fundamental physics of electric propulsion devices. We welcome both theoretical and experimental papers on all types of electric propulsion including gridded ion and Hall thrusters, RF devices, cathodes, electrosprays, and pulsed systems.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Non-classical transport of charged species
- Instabilities and self-organization
- The impact of ground environment on testing fidelity
- Plasma material interactions in low temperature systems
- Energy coupling for ionization and acceleration
- Novel diagnostic techniques
Guest Editors
Benjamin Jorns, University of Michigan
Ioannis Mikellides, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Stéphane Mazouffre, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Hiroyuki Koizumi, The University of Tokyo
JAP Editors
Associate Editor Yevgeny Raitses
Editor-in-Chief Andre Anders
Submission and acceptance criteria:
Manuscripts considered for publication in Journal of Applied Physics are expected to meet the journal’s standard of acceptance: to report on original and timely results that significantly advance understanding in contemporary applied physics. Material that is exclusively review in nature is not considered for publication. Manuscripts submitted for consideration in this Special Topic must meet the same criteria and will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Editorial Team of Journal of Applied Physics will issue final decisions on the submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts will publish immediately upon acceptance.
For more information on the journal’s editorial policies, please click here.