Early Career Investigator Selection 2025
To highlight the astounding work of early career principal investigators, Journal of Applied Physics is proud to continue the Early Career Investigator Selection in 2025. All 2025 publications with eligible principal investigators will be reviewed by the Selection Committee for inclusion in the prestigious Early Career Investigator Selection.
Eligibility: The primary principal investigator must be within 10 years of their PhD defense date (not including career breaks such as family or medical leave) upon completion of the manuscript submission. The Principal Investigator is primarily responsible for the origination of the project, for its overall direction, and for leading the interpretation of the results.
Scope: The scope of the special collection encompasses the entire scope of the journal.
How to submit: Submit for consideration through the online submission system. During submission, the submitting author should answer “Yes” to the question of eligibility of the primary principal investigator, identify which author is the principal investigator, report the date of their PhD defense, and briefly describe the author’s role as principal investigator.
Peer Review: All submissions must undergo the standard peer review process and meet the journal’s acceptance criteria in order to be published in Journal of Applied Physics. Acceptance of Articles and Methods into the journal does not guarantee acceptance into the Early Career Investigator Selection. The Selection Committee will make the final decisions on which published Articles and Methods, along with invited Reviews, Perspectives, and Tutorials, are included in the Selection.
Selection Process: The Early Career Investigator Selection Committee will decide which papers to include in the Selection based on their quality, significance, and potential impact. The Selection Committee will also have access to reviewer reports and comments obtained during the peer review process. The Selection Committee will choose a maximum of three (3) papers as Best Papers. The Committee is comprised of the Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editors, and the Early Career Editorial Board Members.
Best Paper Award: The principal investigators of the Best Papers will be invited to join the Editorial Advisory Board and included in the Early Career Investigator Selection Committee for the following year.
We look forward to your submissions to the Early Career Investigator Selection! If you have any questions, please contact us.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Dielectrics, ferroelectrics, and multiferroics
- Electrical discharges, plasmas, and plasma-surface interactions
- Emerging, interdisciplinary, and other fields of applied physics
- Energy and Sustainability
- Magnetism, spintronics, and superconductivity
- Organic-Inorganic systems, including organic electronics
- Photonics, plasmonics, photovoltaics, lasers, optical materials, and phenomena
- Physics of devices and sensors
- Physics of materials, including electrical, thermal, mechanical and other properties
- Physics of matter under extreme conditions
- Physics of nanoscale and low-dimensional systems
- Physics of semiconductors
- Quantum physics and technology
- Soft matter, fluids, and biophysics
- Thin films, interfaces, and surfaces