The Future of Biointerface Science 2025

This Biointerphases Special Topic Collection will feature the perspective early-career scientists have on the future of biointerface science. Postdocs or senior PhD students on the verge of applying for faculty positions are particularly encouraged to share their views on the field.
Authors who submit to this collection will be considered to give an invited presentation of their research at the AVS 71st International Symposium & Exhibition taking place September 21-26, 2025 in Charlotte, NC. All invited speakers will receive a $500 travel grant. From those invited talks, one article will be selected for the Ascending Researcher Award. The early career researcher who presents the talk will be recognized as the awardee. The awardee and associated article will be widely promoted via email and on social and professional networks.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- bio-surface modification
- nano-bio interface
- protein-surface interactions
- cell-surface interactions
- in vivo and in vitro systems
- biofilms / biofouling
- biosensors / biodiagnostics
- bio on a chip
- coatings
- interface spectroscopy
- biotribology / biorheology
- molecular recognition
- ambient diagnostic methods
- interface modelling
- adhesion phenomena
Manuscript Details & Submission
Authors are encouraged to follow the Information for Contributors provided online and use the available article template. All early-career authors on a paper are requested to include a photo and a biography of up to 250 words with their article submission. The photos and bios of all early-career authors will be printed at the end of the article.