Biointerfaces in China 2025
Biointerphases is soliciting articles for publication in a Special Topic Collection focusing on the current progress of biointerface science in China. The Collection will include both research papers and review articles. Topics will range from understanding the interaction of either cells or biomacromolecules with surfaces and surface analysis of biointerfaces.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Surfaces and interfaces of biomaterials
- Functional surface designs for controlled bioadhesion
- Immobilized enzymes and carriers
- Antifouling and protein corona
- Nanomedicine and drug carriers
- Biosensors and arrays
- Chemical reactions at biointerfaces
Guest Editors
Lulu Han, Dalian University of Technology, China
Manuscript Details & Submission
All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review. Authors are encouraged to follow the Information for Contributors provided online and use the Biointerphases article templates available. Manuscripts will be published and added to the Special Topic Collection promptly after review and acceptance.
- 生物材料表界面
- 可控生物粘附功能表面设计
- 固定化酶和载体
- 抗污材料和蛋白冠
- 纳米药物和药物载体
- 生物传感与分析
- 生物界面的化学反应
- 综述文章