Quantum Thermodynamics
The new quantum technologies require the creation of quantum thermodynamics to describe the operation of quantum machines, and new instrumentation to verify, validate and control the operation of the machines. Just as classical thermodynamics was discovered, and instrumentation refined, through observations on actual machines, the development of quantum thermodynamics leads to the discovery of the principles governing it, enabling refining our instrumentation. Quantum thermodynamics acknowledges the insufficiency of conventional equilibrium-physics for quantum technologies. Statistical fluctuations in single quantum systems satisfy new laws known as quantum fluctuation theorems. Unlike classical thermodynamics, quantum properties cannot be measured—and work determined— without any perturbation to the dynamics. In this Special Issue, we aim to highlight the theoretical and experimental work in this field, while also providing an account of the challenges and future prospects, with Original Research, Reviews, and Perspective articles.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- quantum information theory
- the second law of thermodynamics in closed quantum systems
- quantum thermodynamics of cold atoms
- quantum theormdynamics of elementary machines
- helium superfluid system
- spins in semiconductors
- projective or weak continuous measurements on single quantum systems
- engineering quantum reservoirs and environments
- applications of Jarzynski equality and the Crooks relation to quantum machines
AQS Editor:
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop