Quantum Bubbles
Ultracold quantum gases confined in curved geometries are promising systems to explore new physics of many-body quantum systems on shell structures such as Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity, vortex dynamics. Recent, pioneering experiments realizing quantum bubbles with RF-decoupled condensed atoms demonstrated the experimental possibility to access these non-trivial topologies. In this Special Topic Collection of AVS Quantum Science, we welcome theoretical and experimental contributions promoting the possibilities and challenges in this new field. Original research as well as perspective and method articles are welcome.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Quantum bubbles and other geometries with boundary conditions (experiments and theory)
- Ultra-cold physics in low dimensions
- Quantum gases on curved manifolds
- Few-body and vortex physics in curved geometries
Confirmed contributors include:
- Christopher Foot, Oxford University, UK
- Barry Garraway, Sussex University, UK
- Andrea Tononi, University Paris-Saclay, France
- Luca Salasnich, University of Padova, Italy
- Smitha Vishvesshwara, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Hélène Perrin, University Paris-Nord
- Romain Dubessy, University Paris-Nord
Guest Editor:
Nathan Ludblad, Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, USA
Naceur Gaaloul, Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany
Submission Instructions
AVS Quantum Science accepts Original Research, Reviews, and Perspectives. If you would like feedback on a potential manuscript before it is written, please complete the relevant Editorial Summary Intake Form, and email it to the Editorial team (AVSQuantumScience@aip.org). The Editorial Summary Intake Form establishes working relationships between the editors and authors as well as ensures submitted papers are within desired scope, quality, and diversity we aim to achieve.
Please prepare your manuscript using the information found on our website in the For Authors tab: https://publishing.aip.org/resources/researchers/author-instructions/. You must submit your paper using the AQS online submission system at https://aqs.peerx-press.org/. For additional questions, please email the team at AVSQuantumScience@aip.org.