Quantum Acoustics
Acoustics and nanomechanical systems have recently emerged as a promising platform for quantum information science and technology. These systems, exploiting the interaction between matter and sound, now reach the quantum regime and can be controlled at the single phonon level via their interaction with solid-state qubits. They also appear as a possible strategy to detect, manipulate and couple distant qubits. These progresses have opened the possibility to implement advanced quantum information tasks, ranging from quantum memories and transducers to the transport of quantum information mediated by propagating phonons. In this Special Topic, organized by Isabelle Robert-Philip, the journal will identify and support review articles that present the current state of the art in quantum acoustics and original research that advances this field. This includes the manipulation of qubits by acoustic waves and vice-versa, the implementation of hybrid systems interfacing phonons and solid-state or photonic qubits, the quantum regime of acoustic modes, and more.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Quantum regime of acoustic (SAWs, BAWs) waves and mechanical modes
- Coupling between artificial atoms and acoustic/mechanical resonators
- Quantum acoustodynamics
- Manipulation of artificial atoms by acoustic waves
- Acoustic-based quantum memories and transducers
- Phonon-mediated transport of quantum information
- Entanglement between phonons and solid-state qubits
- Phonon-photon quantum interfaces
Guest Editors
Daniel Lanzillotti-Kimura, University of Paris-Saclay, FR
Pierre Verlot, University of Nottingham, UK
AQS Editor:
Isabelle Robert-Philip
Submission Instructions
If you are interested in contributing Original Research, a Review, or a Perspective Article please complete the relevant Editorial Summary Intake Form, shown here, and email it to the Editorial team (AVSQuantumScience@aip.org) prior to your submission for pre-screening by the editors. You can prepare your manuscript using the information For Authors, at https://avs.scitation.org/aqs/authors/manuscript. You can then submit your paper using the AQS online submission system at https://aqs.peerx-press.org/. As a journal in its early years, our editors will rely on the Editorial Summary Intake Form to establish working relationships with authors as well as ensure papers are within desired scope, quality, and diversity we aim to achieve. For additional questions, please email the team at AVSQuantumScience@aip.org.