Advances in Inelastic Light Scattering Spectroscopies
Inelastic light scattering spectroscopies probe the properties of materials by analyzing changes in the energies and momenta of incident and scattered light resulting from interactions with excitations within the material such as phonons and magnons. These techniques provide information about the material’s vibrational, rotational, magnetic, or electronic states. Optical techniques like Raman and Brillouin–Mandelstam spectroscopies have become essential tools for understanding phonons, magnons, and other elemental excitations in 1D and 2D van der Waals materials, magnetic materials, phononic metamaterials, thin films, polymers, and biological samples. Recent variations of the Raman optothermal method, originally proposed for graphene, have further expanded the capabilities of Raman spectroscopy enabling measurements of thermal conductivity and interface conduction in nanostructures and low-dimensional materials. Near-field optical techniques such as tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy can detect quasi-particles with spatial resolution beyond the optical diffraction limit. Emerging ultrafast inelastic scattering techniques allow researchers to investigate the dynamics of material excitations by tracking the time evolution of excitations in real time. These techniques, with their high spatial resolution and broad energy-detection range, are suitable for studying emerging quantum materials which often exist in small amounts and sizes. In this Special Issue, we invite researchers to submit original articles exploring recent advancements in inelastic light scattering spectroscopies and their applications in applied physics and materials science research.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Investigation of optical and acoustic phonons in emerging materials and heterostructures with inelastic light scattering spectroscopies
- Advances in Raman and Brillouin spectroscopies and their application for the characterization of material quality and properties
- Theory and computations of phonon spectra and electron-phonon interactions in layered materials and heterostructures
- Inelastic light scattering spectroscopy of chiral phonons and topological phenomena
- Near-field and tip-enhanced inelastic light scattering techniques for high-spatial-resolution investigation of emerging low-dimensional materials
- Probing many-body effects and magnetic excitations in low-dimensional materials using inelastic light scattering spectroscopies
- Ultrafast inelastic scattering techniques for time-resolved material dynamics
- Stimulated Raman scattering for material characterization
- Application of inelastic light scattering to investigate the propagation of phonons and spin waves in materials
- Physics and applications of Brillouin light scattering microscopy in biological samples
- Recent advances in optothermal techniques for thermal conductivity measurements in nanostructures and low-dimensional materials
- Inelastic X-ray scattering and its applications in probing excitations in quantum materials and low-dimensional systems
Guest Editors
Fariborz Kargar, Auburn University, USA
Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal
Marcos A. Pimenta, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Alexander A. Balandin, University of California at Los Angeles, USA