State-of-the-Art and Future Directions in Optical Frequency Comb Sources, Enabling Technologies, and Applications
Optical frequency combs are powerful devices for realizing applications that rely on precision frequency synthesis, timing and metrology. This special topic covers developments in laser frequency comb sources, targeting wavelength regions beyond the standard telecommunication windows, compactness for large-scale deployment, and advances in subsystems and modules enabling enhanced performance or compatibility with system-level integration. Applications will be covered in atomic clock characterization, coherent communications, microwave synthesis, calibration of optical instrumentation, spectroscopy, as well as new emerging directions such as quantum information processing and biophotonics.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Sources: microcombs, semiconductor modelocked lasers, quantum cascade lasers), eo-combs, mode locked lasers
- Enabling Technologies: continuum generation, wavelength conversion, high-harmonic generation, photonic integration, optical reference cavities, photomixers, ultra-narrow-linewidth lasers
- Applications: biophotonics; quantum information processing, characterization and time/frequency dissemination of optical clocks, microwave photonics, optical frequency division, wavelength division multiplexing, quantum control, optical communications, direct molecular spectroscopy and trace gas detection, combs for astronomy, tests of fundamental physics
Guest Editors
Tara Fortier, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Victor Torres Company, Chalmers University of Technology
APL Photonics Editors
Christelle Monat, École Centrale Lyon
Clara Saraceno, Ruhr University of Bochum
How to Submit:
- Please submit through the online submission system.
- Under manuscript type → select Article or Letter, as appropriate.
- Under manuscript information → Title/Abstract → select “Invited Submission: No”.
- Under manuscript information → Manuscript classification → select Special Topic: “State-of-the-Art and Future Directions in Optical Frequency Comb Sources, Enabling Technologies, and Applications”