MELVILLE, N.Y., March 19, 2025 — AIP Publishing is pleased to announce two of its flagship scholarly journals, Journal of Applied Physics and Physics of Plasmas, will be open access in 2025 as part of our Subscribe to Open (S2O) pilot program.
The switch is once again a result of AIP Publishing’s institutional subscribers renewing their subscriptions and supporting our S2O pilot program.
Announced in 2023, our S2O pilot allows, with sufficient institutional support, for new volumes of Journal of Applied Physics and Physics of Plasmas to be made open access for everyone to read and re-use. The pilot empowers authors to increase the reach and impact of their work by publishing open access without incurring additional costs — and embodies AIP Publishing’s commitment to equity, accessibility, and open science.
“We’re excited about the success of our Subscribe to Open pilot program and what it means for the journals involved, which both saw a 50% increase in articles read in 2024,” said Penelope Lewis, AIP Publishing’s Chief Publishing Officer. “More importantly, we’re excited about what this means for these research communities and authors. It’s an honor to be able to bring the groundbreaking science of Journal of Applied Physics and Physics of Plasmas to a broader audience, and we are thankful to our institutional subscribers for making it possible.”
The S2O model helps research institutions, funders, and publishers bridge the transition into open access. Under S2O, current subscribers are offered continued access to their publications through the normal subscription process. If enough subscribers renew, that year’s content for those publications is then flipped over to open access. All of this is accomplished without service disruption, additional costs, or extra effort on the part of the community. Subscribers need only to renew their subscriptions normally, and any articles published that year are made open access in perpetuity at no direct cost to authors.
The S2O pilot is just one of several explorations into sustainable open access solutions being undertaken by AIP Publishing. Through our myriad open access options, nearly one-fifth of our published articles were openly accessible to readers across the globe in 2024.
For more information on the S2O model and its implementation at AIP Publishing, please click here.
Journal of Applied Physics is an influential international journal publishing significant new experimental and theoretical results of applied physics research. The journal also publishes perspectives, tutorials, methods and special collections focusing on research of particular current or emerging interest.
Published in cooperation with the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Physics of Plasmas is committed to the publication of original research in all areas of experimental, computational, and theoretical plasma physics. The journal publishes comprehensive and in-depth review manuscripts, forward-looking perspectives, Tutorials on active topics, and Special Topics highlighting new developments in plasma physics.
AIP Publishing’s mission is to advance, promote, and serve the physical sciences for the benefit of humanity by breaking barriers to open, equitable research communication and empowering researchers to accelerate global progress. AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and supports the charitable, scientific, and educational purposes of AIP through scholarly publishing activities on its behalf and on behalf of our publishing partners.
Rob Press, Communications Manager