Special Collection Recognizing Women in Applied Physics
Editorial Advisory Board Members:
Andrey Chaves – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
Paloma Arroyo Huidobro – Instituto de Telecomunicações; Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Johanna Rosén – Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linköping University, Sweden
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop – School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, Australia
Yayoi Takamura – Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, USA
Huijuan (Jane) Zhao – Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, SC, USA
Journal Editors:
Andre Anders, Editor-in-Chief – Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), Leipzig, Germany
Simon Phillpot, Deputy Editor – University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Alain Polian, Associate Editor – IMPMC, Sorbonne Université; CNRS; and Synchrotron SOLEIL, France
Zhiting Tian, Associate Editor – Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Submission and acceptance criteria:
- Please submit through the online submission system.
- Please submit a cover letter with your manuscript that specifies whether the first and/or corresponding authors identify as women, if the paper is in dedication of a woman or group of women, or both. Papers must satisfy one of these criteria to be included in the Special Collection.
- For papers with a dedication line, please provide justification for the dedication and a brief biography of the dedication recipients in the cover letter. See below for further instructions regarding dedication lines.
- Under manuscript type → select “Article” or “Method” as appropriate.
- Under manuscript information –> Title/Abstract –> select “Invited Submission: No”.
- Under manuscript information –> Manuscript classification –> select “Special Topic: Special Collection Recognizing Women in Applied Physics”.
Dedication Line
- Dedications are for achievements and contributions to the relevant fields of study.
- Recipients of dedications must be sufficiently prominent. In the event of dispute, the Editor-in-Chief will make the final determination of prominence.
- Please include the dedication as a separate section in your manuscript labeled “Dedication” just before the Acknowledgements section.
- Dedications should be a maximum of 65 words.
Optional Author Photographs and Biographies
- Authors may include photographs and short biographies of each author.
- Photographs and biographies should appear within the manuscript file itself after the References.
- Photographs will be taken from the manuscript file itself and sized down to 1 inch wide.
- Biographies should be a maximum of 65 words and will follow the format of the examples below.
- Examples:
- Jane Doe (she/her), Professor, School of Engineering, University of Applied Physics. Her research interests include condensed matter physics, quantum materials, and data science applications.
- John Doe (he/his), Graduate Student, Physics Department, University of Applied Physics. He is pursuing his PhD in opto-electronics. His research interests include solar harvesting, materials characterization, and advanced epitaxial techniques.
All manuscripts considered for publication in Journal of Applied Physics are expected to meet the journal’s standard of acceptance and will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Editorial Team of Journal of Applied Physics will issue final decisions on the submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts will publish immediately upon acceptance.
For more information on the journal’s editorial policies, please click here.
Manuscripts must be submitted through the online submission system (PXP) of Journal of Applied Physics. Please select the Special Topic “Special Collection Recognizing Women in Applied Physics” to submit your manuscript.