Metasurfaces for Photonic Devices
Metasurfaces have attracted significant attention over the last decade owing to their broad capability to achieve exotic electromagnetic responses, and their potential as optical devices for wavefront control. Wide ranging materials may be used to form metasurfaces including noble and non-noble metals, oxides, ceramics, phase change materials, and semiconductors, permitting versatile and reconfigurable properties ideal for applications. This Special Topic highlights the state-of-the-art in metasurface photonic devices including recent advances in theory, numerical simulation, fabrication methods, and spectroscopic characterization that are advancing the field. Original research articles are accompanied by invited tutorials and perspectives that offer deep physical insight and provide an exciting outlook on future research.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- All dielectric metasurfaces
- Reflect / transmit arrays, and metasurface lenses
- Orbital angular momentum
- Holography, VR, AR / structural colors
- Tunable metadevices
- Machine learning approaches for metasurface design
- Active metadevices empowered by two-dimensional / van-der-Waals materials
- Stacked metasurface systems
- Metasurface bio, chemical, and gas sensing
- Nonlinear metasurfaces
Guest Editors
Isabelle Staude, University of Jena, Germany
Houtong Chen, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Andrey Miroshnichenko, University of New South Wales Canberra, Australia
Junichi Takahara, Osaka University, Japan
Willie J. Padilla, Duke University, USA
JAP Editors
Associate Editor Masayoshi Tonouchi
Associate Editor Jaime Gómez Rivas
Submission and acceptance criteria:
Manuscripts considered for publication in Journal of Applied Physics are expected to meet the journal’s standard of acceptance: to report on original and timely results that significantly advance understanding in contemporary applied physics. Material that is exclusively review in nature is not considered for publication. Manuscripts submitted for consideration in this Special Topic must meet the same criteria and will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Editorial Team of Journal of Applied Physics will issue final decisions on the submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts will publish immediately upon acceptance.
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