Spin Chemistry
It is a remarkable fact that spin interactions that are orders of magnitude smaller than the thermal energy, kBT, can have profound effects in chemistry. Manifestations include magnetic field and magnetic isotope effects on chemical reaction rates and yields, and hyperpolarization of electron and nuclear spins. Areas in which spin chemical phenomena have found applications range from magnetoelectroluminescence in organic and inorganic semiconductors, solar energy conversion in photosynthetic systems, and magnetocarcinogenesis to the mechanism of the avian magnetic compass sense. This Special Topic on Spin Chemistry highlights the forefront of research in this interdisciplinary area spanning physics, chemistry and biology.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Spin interaction effects in chemistry
- Magnetoelectroluminescence in semiconductors
- Solar energy conversion in photosynthetic systems
- Magnetocarcinogenesis
- Avian magnetic compass sense
Guest Editors
Peter Hore – University of Oxford
Konstantin Ivanov – International Tomography Center
David Manolopoulos – JCP Deputy Editor
Michael Wasielewski – Northwestern University
Emily Weiss – Northwestern University