From the start, AVS Quantum Science made a commitment to provide the highest possible standard of care to our authors. Now that the journal has been publishing for almost a year and a half, we asked some of our recent authors about their personal experience publishing with us. Meet some of the authors of AVS Quantum Science, explore their work, and see how we measured up!
Quantum effects in the brain: A review
Betony Adams and Francesco Petruccione
April 2020,

Betony Adams Betony Adams is a PhD candidate in the Centre for Quantum Technology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. She also works part-time in a Science Communications capacity for the Guy Foundation.
Francesco Petruccione is a Professor of Theoretical Physics and the South African Research Chair in Quantum Information Processing and Communication at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and interim Director of the National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Science.
AIP Publishing: In your own words, can you share with us the importance and relevance of your review?
Betony Adams & Francesco Petruccione: The paper “Quantum effects in the brain: A review” documents progress made in the emerging field of quantum neurobiology. It investigates to what degree research into non-trivial quantum effects such as coherence, tunnelling and entanglement in the context of biological mechanisms such as photosynthesis, olfaction and magnetoreception might be applied to related neural mechanisms.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Betony Adams & Francesco Petruccione: Our experience with the journal was very professional. We also appreciate the lengths to which the journal has gone to publicize and spread awareness of our paper.
Chip-scale nonlinear photonics for quantum light generation
Galan Moody, Lin Chang, Trevor J. Steiner, and John E. Bowers
October 2020,

John Bowers holds the Fred Kavli Chair in Nanotechnology and is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Galan Moody in an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
AIP Publishing: In your own words, can you share with us the importance and relevance of your review?
John Bowers & Galan Moody: This review covers the history and key technological developments of chip-scale nonlinear quantum light generation based on integrated photonics, approaches for systems-level integration, & applications.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
John Bowers & Galan Moody: Our interaction with the journal and editors was excellent. We chose AVS Quantum Science because of the high quality of the published reviews to date and its focus on interdisciplinary research, which is important in the field of quantum photonics. We hope this review will serve as a starting point for anyone interested in learning more about quantum photonics and quantum light generation, as well as a comprehensive reference for this field.
Integrated single photon emitters
Junyi Lee, Victor Leong, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Jibo Dai, Alagappan Gandhi, and Leonid A. Krivitsky
August 2020;

Leonid Krivtsky is a Senior Scientist for the Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR), in Singapore.
AIP Publishing: In your own words, can you share with us the importance and relevance of your Review?
Leonid Krivtsky: Quantum information processing on integrated photonic circuits promises to unleash new computational capabilities that cannot be matched by classical computing. In this paper, we review the current state of various solid-state single-photon emitters, which are critical components of such circuits, and their integration with various photonic platforms.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Leonid Krivtsky: I was invited by the editors of the journal to submit a review. Overall, we felt that the editors and reviewers were prompt and easy to work with throughout the entire review process. We also appreciated the careful reading of the reviewers.
On-chip heralded single photon sources
S. Signorini and L. Pavesi
October 2020,

Lorenzo Pavesi is a Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Trento, in Italy.
AIP Publishing: In your own words, can you share with us the importance and relevance of your review?
Lorenzo Pavesi: The various platforms which allows fabricating single photon sources competitive with the deterministic quantum-dots based single photon sources are discussed. On chip heralded single photon sources are suitable for mass-production of quantum photonic integrated circuits for various applications such as quantum sensing, quantum computing, quantum simulation, secure quantum communication, and more.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Lorenzo Pavesi: The solid reputation of the publisher and the new high quality journal which has the perspective of becoming the proper forum to discuss the second quantum technology revolution were the two main motivations. The experience was smooth and the interaction with a publisher which understand the academic and research frameworks makes a very easy and enjoyable the publication process. Manuscript review and production were both fast and effective!
Emanuele Polino, Mauro Valeri, Nicolò Spagnolo, and Fabio Sciarrino
June 2020,

Fabio Sciarrino is a Full Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Rome La Sapienza, and Senior Research Fellow at the International School for Advanced Studies Sapienza (SSAS). He is also the Deputy Director of SSAS and chair of the Physics PhD Program at Sapienza. He is Principal Investigator of the Quantum Information Lab, Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome.
AIP Publishing: In your own words, can you share with us the importance and relevance of your review?
Fabio Sciarrino: This is a comprehensive review on the growing and interesting subject of photonic quantum metrology; with almost 1000 citations we summarize all the relevant theoretical and experimental contributions of the last two decades.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Fabio Sciarrino: We greatly appreciated the continuous editorial care: from the refereeing process, to the editing of the proofs, to the dissemination of the article.
Geometric perspective on quantum parameter estimation
Jasminder S. Sidhu and Pieter Kok
February 2020,

Jasminder Sidhu, FHEA, is a Post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, at The University of Sheffield, in the UK.
AIP Publishing: In your own words, can you share with us the importance and relevance of your review?
Jasminder Sidhu: Quantum metrology is a frontrunner to early practical applications of quantum technologies. This review provides a detailed account of quantum metrology, from key theoretical results to experimental implementations. We present the review through a geometric perspective, which unifies current topics such as Bayesian quantum estimation, noisy quantum metrology, and distributed multi-parameter quantum sensing into an intuitive big picture of quantum parameter estimation.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Jasminder Sidhu: Pieter and I were invited by AVS Quantum Science to submit a review on quantum sensing and metrology. The review/publication process was smooth, helpful, and fast.
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