It’s been an exciting time for quantum science around here! AIP Publishing and AVS have published the first issues of AVS Quantum Science, our first journal wholly dedicated to this field. We made a commitment to provide the highest possible standard of care to our authors, so we asked the authors who were featured in our first issue why they submitted to AVS Quantum Science and their personal experience in publishing with us. Meet the first authors of AVS Quantum Science and see how we measured up!
Andrew Forbes, Distinguished Professor, School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

AIP Publishing: Can you give us a quick summary on the importance and relevance of your Review?
Andrew Forbes: This review is important because it introduces the topic [High-dimensional entanglement with structured light ] in a tutorial fashion, making it suitable for entry readers, while at the same time offering a perspective on the many open challenges that remain; useful for active researchers in the field.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Andrew Forbes: …AIP is an excellent institute with very professional journals. Therefore, a timely quantum journal by a top publishing house was an attractive combination and in my opinion worth supporting.
Kok Chuan Tan, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Singapore
Hyunseok Jeong, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, South Korea

AIP Publishing: Can you give us a quick summary on the importance and relevance of your Review?
Kok Chuan Tan & Hyunseok Jeong: This review introduces the notion of nonclassical light fields and highlights their importance in achieving high precision measurements in physics.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Kok Chuan Tan & Hyunseok Jeong: We were definitely impressed by the list of the Journal Editors who are renowned scientists. We were also confident about the professionalism of the editorial team that AVS and AIP Publishing had put together and this was subsequently borne out by the prompt and professional editorial process that we went through. Publishing in AVS Quantum Science was a pleasant experience for us.
Carlos L. Garrido Alzar, Associated Research Professor, CNRS, France

AIP Publishing: Can you give us a quick summary on the importance and relevance of your Review?
Carlos L. Garrido Alzar: The review presents an industry targeted quantum technology perspective for chip-based cold atom gyroscopes. It addresses the engineering of quantum rotation sensors for applications ranging from inertial navigation, precision measurements, to tests of fundamental physics in space.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Carlos L. Garrido Alzar: … [the] journal’s articles are addressed to a large community of quantum physicists and engineers developing the future quantum technologies. As so, it is an excellent bridge between the industry and the academic world, an outstanding support for the application-driven research on quantum technologies. It was a great experience to work with the AQS editorial team.
Federico Paolucci, Post-Doctoral Fellow, INFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy

AIP Publishing: Can you give us a quick summary on the importance and relevance of your Review?
Federico Paolucci: While the grounding mechanism of this phenomenon is not yet understood and requires for deep theoretical and experimental re-investigation of the intimate nature of the superconducting state, the technological exploitation of such phenomenon is at hand, promising a deep impact on superconducting energy-efficient classical and quantum computation architectures.
AIP Publishing: Why did you choose to publish with AVS Quantum Science? How was your experience?
Federico Paolucci: My interaction with the journal staff was smooth.
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